What are you, crazy?

There are no nude pictures of GSW. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Or maybe you were just curious. In that case, your curiosity will be rewarded....this is where we are hiding the God Street Wine Secret Word for the month of June.

Knowing the secret word is good for many reasons. It is your entry into various contests and audience participation events. It also may get you free stuff if yer lucky.....So, what is it?



FIFE (fif) [G. pfeife, a small pipe] [VL. *pipa, PIPE], a small, shrill-toned musical instrument resembling a flute, used mainly with drums in playing marches --vt., vi. fifed, fifing to play on a fife --fifer n.



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All material here c1999 by God Street Wine Productions Inc.
Website design by NotSoBad
Graphics by Ben Franklin